Saturday, 3 May 2014

Boxed up by consumerism

Just recently, several times in the same week, I came across businesses and TV shows that were using a Native American Chief's head dress in ways that deeply offended the original owner's cultural beliefs.  All of the instances displayed incredible arrogance and insensitivity to the Native American community.  In one of the cases a very successful Australian photography business that offer the customer a complete package of hair, make up, costume and a final portrait were using the head dress as a ill considered prop.  In the sample portrait on their website the head dress was being worn by a young, white female.  Our consumer culture is so very often guilty of insensitivities such as this.  The piece of art work above was created shortly after seeing the portrait of the young woman and reflects on the way that consumerism strips away original meaning and packages it up in a way that suits its own market driven needs.

Unless otherwise stated all images have been sourced from Wikimedia Commons and have been assigned a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License or are from the Public Domain
All of my artworks unless otherwise stated are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike license (Version 4.0 (international licence)

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